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AD's made for fun

All work is made by me, note that none of the work is real advertising. 
The work's purpose is to show how I form ideas, 
strategic communication
, and my creativity in forms of visual communication.


KEY INSIGHT: 'Tesla Strike 2023' Media have addressed the current
situation in Sweden regarding Tesla's fight against IF Metall,
IF Metall, Sweden's biggest manufacturing union, is locked in a fight with Tesla to get a collective bargaining agreement for its 130 mechanics in Sweden. Metall put the mechanics on strike on Oct. 27, refusing to service Tesla's cars.

IDEA: Polestar has earlier peaked towards Tesla, with their famous
Super Bowl advertisement ''No Compromises'' where messages such as
''No conquer mars'' are communicated.
The following idea peaks Tesla regarding their collective agreement fight,
and a reworked version of ''No Compromises''.


''The guiding star''
Reworked copy, 007 inspired.

Valentine's Day

''Will you marry me?''
KEY INSIGHT: McDonald's has been known for a long time spreading the message of love, not to mention, the famous ''I'm Lovin' it''. The brand communicates the key message of love frequently.

IDEA: Based on the insight, the idea of simply using the golden M as an engagement box, and as letters in ''Will you marry me?'' - along with a single french fry. A humorous way of communicating their love message with their popular, beloved french fries.

KEY INSIGHT: The red colour of a Porsche is quickly a top-of-mind thought, especially the famous 911 that turned 60 years old in 2023. People still purchase their vintage 911 models, that were produced 60 years ago. Their price range can vary, but have risen insanely over the years globally and people collect them.

- Now what else goes along with aging well, rises in value, and is

IDEA: Red wine, and the famous well-known slogan ''Aging Like Fine Wine''. This is exactly what the Porsche 911 is, its value rises from the vintage models, just like red wine. A simple way to communicate its class and elegance.


Porsche Ad #2_Updated_Prio.png



Easter & Random Ad's

Taycan Turbo S
100 years (2031 concept ad)


KEY INSIGHT: Oatly are known to be a fun brand, with humor in their communication. This concept is based on the realization that every other Swede hates advertising, but in Oatly's type of communication with an element of humor. 

IDEA: A billboard purchased saying that they bought the advertisement spot,
so that people doesn't have to see an advertisement right there.

It ends with a small text saying ''wait.. this is an advertisement?''.

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