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Project Overview

CLIENT - Tourism Western Australia

AGENCY - Edith Cowan University 

YEAR - 2023

BRIEF - Create an international advertising campaign for Tourism Western Australia. The campaign must include both strategic and creative elements.The challenge is to digest, distil and act on the brief and put together a strategy with creative targeting an international, not country specific audience. The region to target is the North Asia Region (China, Japan, Mongolia & Korea rep and dpr). 
THE PROBLEM -  People in the Northern Asia region experience a huge language barrier and that is the main reason preventing them from visiting Australia, and lack of guides that suit their wants and needs.

THE SOLUTION - Based on the insight, we developed a creative concept ’’Tourism Tourist’’; a solution that not only solves the problem but also keeps the tourist informed and helps them to enjoy their trip to the fullest.

The app is designed to be as simple as possible, using colors that are easy on the eyes for anyone. With culture in mind the focus is on a light green which not only is aesthetically pleasing but also carries meaning in Japanese and Chinese culture, meaning luck and healing respectively. With further focus on culture the marketing efforts will include expert translators who can provide cultural insight in addition to expert translation, in order for our key messages shall be received and interpreted as intended. Lastly, the app gives the best tips in relation to what the tourist desires for their holiday.

Tourism Tourist WA App


Advertising & Key Messages


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